Responsible Chemistry Meets Essential Needs


Demonstrating progress against our goal requires us to measure our products’ impacts and how they contribute to the UN SDGs. We do this through EVOLVE 2030, our product sustainability assessment methodology. his methodology considers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, landfill waste, and fluorinated organic chemical (FOC) emission intensities during manufacture as well as life cycle climate impact, social impact, and risks to human health and the environment.

Our 2022 Sustainable Offerings Highlights

  • Institutionalized a new Global Compliance Register, supporting our automated system of tracking emerging issues and further enhancing our proactive approach to regulatory or stewardship impacts as well as rigorous management of compliance plans and tracking
  • Introduced a new automated compliance tool, Product Declarations, for use by our customer-facing organization. These system-generated documents respond to customer inquiries in a transparent and consistent manner while also helping us improve response time and deliver a positive engagement experience
  • Collaborated with value chain partners to advance sustainability in their own businesses, sharing our EVOLVE 2030 sustainable offerings assessment methodology
  • Launched Ti-Pure™ TS-6300 calculator webtool, which helps customers quantify their environmental impact reduction when formulating with TiPure™ TS-6300
  • Successfully developed The STEM of Sustainability curriculum and product sustainability material and delivered it to eighth grade classes in two states, Delaware and New Jersey
50% or more of our revenue will be from offerings that make a specific contribution to the UN SDGs - on track

EVOLVE 2030 – Our Product Sustainability Assessment Methodology

We use EVOLVE 2030 to evaluate our current offering portfolio and all potential new offerings in our development pipeline. Use of EVOLVE 2030 provides better knowledge and insights with which to adjust our business priorities and make informed decisions. The assessments help us maximize the UN SDG contributions of our product portfolio, investing in products and offerings with positive benefits and guiding choices to improve, or phase out, products with negative impacts. In other words, evolving to a more resilient and sustainable portfolio.